Ata Yiğit Şener
1 min readSep 6, 2023

I’ve been thinking, for a while, that what is the purpose of my being. What do I even do for my academic career? I’ve decided to go for an academic career in social sciences and I thought my knowledge about such fields are just a blank.

But then, I realised I got Goodreads app on my phone. Few minutes ago, I added all the books I read in this summer, totaling of 52. That amount might not be a big deal, but I broke my personal record. It was up most 30 books in a summer, being last year’s. The previous ones are even terrible, 5–6 books at most. Some having no books read.

And then I thought, while I was busy transcribing Ottoman Turkish documents in our University, I read lots of -history- books in this summer.

I usually read 200+ pages per day. Systematically reading a book for me is a new achievement, since I did not use to schedule it.

And even, the books I read are mixture in terms of Turkish — English languages. Reading an English-language-history-book a day, speaking for 2017 Ata Yiğit, it was impossible. For that time, I was suffering reading more than 50 pages in a Turkish-language-history-book.

All in all, I realised I achieved something. I’m not comparing myself with one another, just a personal achievement, but hey.

Ata Yiğit Şener

History Nerd, Traveller, Mapper Adobe Enthusiasist, Chess Player.